At the Water's Edge

My earliest memory is flashes of a family vacation in Miami Beach. When back home, from my youngest years, I was treated to countless hours at Bradford Beach on Lake Michigan. The sight of the blue water, the clear skies, the fresh air, the sound of the waves hitting the shore--these are embedded deeply into my soul. The meeting place between the water's edge and the land is truly special. "God said, 'Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that dry land may appear'" Genesis 1:9 This is a place where a person can connect with the very beginning of time itself.

Sometimes there were even conditions that could legitimately be called "surf." Don't laugh; no one ever claimed it was Waimea Bay. I did start body surfing there, and on rare occasions someone would actually go out on a board.

At other times, though, conditions were just not that appealing. Except maybe for penquins.>>

And then I discovered Southern California

And then South Florida

My Ninja was a great way
to get to the beach.

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